Rida Jamshed
3 min readApr 3, 2021


#JustStart Your Goals

Goals are very important in our careers. Goals give us a direction, a path to follow, a roadmap towards the purpose of our lives. Goals help to keep us focused, motivated and determined.

Defining the goal in the right way is equally important. The goal should be clear, specific, and well-planned. During the Amal fellowship, I learned the concept of SMART goals. It means that goal should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

Keeping in mind this concept I defined my goal as:
“I want to improve my communication skills up to 80% by reading books, taking part in discussions, actively attending all sessions, and improving my English by the end of this fellowship.”

At Amal Academy I’ve realized the importance and power of ‘Amal’, which means action, initiation, taking 1st step. Just setting your goals and defining them is not enough to have a purposeful life. The main task is to take the action and implement that plan.
So as it was mentioned in the activity assigned to me in the fellowship, I implemented the following immediate steps crucial to achieving this goal:

  1. Make a Timetable:

Making a timetable is the first and most important step. So I altered my timetable to add the new tasks.

2. Read Book:

Book reading enhances your vision as well as it’s good to improve English Writing. So I started reading a book which I’ve been planning to read for about 5 weeks.

3. Watch English Movie:

Watching English movies is the fastest and most effective way to learn English communication. I watched the movie, that was mentioned in one of the Amal courses. And I planned to watch a movie every Saturday.

I always face problems in managing time. Due to studies and some other activities, I couldn’t find time for reading or watching movies.
But After putting in a little more effort and minimizing some activities, I was able to find time for these tasks.

I felt motivated and energetic after completing these tasks. As I enjoy reading, so it was refreshing and it relieved my stress.
And watching a movie is always fun. I think that these two are the most effective ways of improving English and communication.
After implementing my plan and having positive results, I’m more motivated and enthusiastic about my goals. To achieve my goal, I’ll try to participate in discussions, try to attend all sessions of the fellowship, and implement my learnings in my practical life.

